Libertas London Candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the London region:

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Whether you're red or blue, Libertas is for you!

Politics is often a tricky subject to raise with people. Folk tend to be very wary about letting anyone know which end of the political spectrum they sit. This is one of the reasons I was nervous about immersing myself in such a 'dangerous' topic.

But, I discovered that talking about the three 'Y's' that Libertas is advocating (of democracy, transparency and accountability) is an uncontroversial pastime. I've never come across anyone who disagrees with the Libertas point of view.

Regardless of whether people happen to be on the right or left, or somewhere in between, if they believe in a democratic process, with politicians who are answerable to the voters, and who do not cloak their actions in secrecy, they listen and accept the Libertas viewpoint.

Because of this, whatever people's political colour, I am urging them to lend Libertas their vote on June 4th, so that we can fix a badly executed idea. Europe's a great idea on paper, it's just a shame that the people in Brussels have made such a hash of it.

1 comment:

  1. Why does the Libertas UK website only show candidates from London? There are other parts to the UK, you know!
