Libertas London Candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the London region:

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

June 4th can be more than just 'a wake up call' for British politics

Some UK MP's, who are currently under scrutiny from the media, are complaining about moving goalposts - they are complaining that expenses they incur in the legitimate performance of their duties is now somehow 'fair game' for public vilification.

In part, this is due to the language that even 'honest' MP's are using to explain their claims. They are saying that their claims are 'according to the guidelines'. 

But, forget about whether these claims follow all the guidelines, the question surely is 'are these claims morally right?'

Lord Tebbit recognises this, and is urging people not to vote for the major parties. He thinks that if people act on this advice, it will act as a shot across the bows to the bigger parties, to clean up their acts.

I agree with this. It will. But what Lord Tebbit seems to fail to have grasped, is that, if people vote Libertas, their 'protest' vote - for a pan-European party - becomes far more than a slap on the wrist for the bigger parties, but a way of affecting the European political stage.

June the 4th can be more than just an opportunity to cast a protest vote and telling off naughty UK MP's, it can be a real opportunity to for the first time create change and have real influence in Europe.

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